Libtpa Internals


This documentation describes some internal implementation details about libtpa. Hopefully, it will make it a bit easier for you to understand the implementation if you want to contribute or do customization for your own needs.

Zero Copy

Zero copy is a must for high performance. Libtpa supports both zero copy write and read. Like the programming guide described, libtpa introduces an extended iovec struct, tpa_iovec, to complement the zero copy implementation.

Zero Copy Write

A write request from both tpa_write and tpa_zwritev will be turned to one or more tx_desc, depending the iov count, write size and the config tcp.write_chunk_size (which is set to 16KB by default).

struct tx_desc {
    void *addr;
    uint64_t phys_addr;
    uint32_t len;
    uint32_t flags;
    void (*write_done)(void *base, void *param);
    void *base;
    void *param;

    uint32_t seq;
    uint32_t reserved;
    uint64_t ts_us;

    /* cacheline 2 */
    uint64_t tsc_start;
    uint64_t tsc_submit;
    uint64_t tsc_xmit;

    /* for none zero copy write */
    void *pkt;
} __attribute__((__aligned__(64)));

tx_desc has a few more fields compared with tpa_iovec, where

  • seq denotes the TCP seq assigned to this desc

  • ts_us denotes the transmit timestamp

The three tsc_xxx fields are used for latency measurement:

  • tsc_start denotes the timestamp at the beginning of the write API.

  • tsc_submit denotes the timestamp when the write is submitted to the TCP txq.

  • tsc_xmit denotes the timestamp when the data is going to be transmitted.

You can check the user guide on how to check the sock latency with the help of those fields.

Since it’s zero copy write, the APP can’t free the write buffer when the API returns: the buffer is still referenced by libtpa and it may even have to be retransmitted. Therefore, the APP can free it only when libtpa no longer references it, that is when the data is ACKed by the remote end. And that’s what the iov_write_done field for.

The function tcp_xmit_data then will fetch those tx descs and encap them with a TCP header and then send them out by the familiar DPDK API rte_eth_tx_burst. Note that DPDK only deals with rte_mbuf. Therefore, we have to turn the tx desc to rte_mbuf. Libtpa does not use the DPDK API to do the external buffer attachment, instead, it comes up with something a bit more lightweight:

 * A more lightweight external buf attach for zero copy write implementation.
static inline void packet_attach_extbuf(struct packet *pkt, void *virt_addr,
                                        uint64_t phys_addr, uint16_t data_len)
    pkt->mbuf.buf_addr = virt_addr;
    pkt->mbuf.buf_iova = phys_addr;
    pkt->mbuf.pkt_len  = data_len;
    pkt->mbuf.data_len = data_len;
    pkt->mbuf.data_off = 0;

To consume as less memory as possible, libtpa creates one zwrite_pkt_pool mempool for each worker. Mbufs from this pool only has room for the rte_mbuf struct and 128 bytes of private data(for holding the struct packet meta data): the data room is set to zero, as they don’t hold any data after all.

There is another advantage of introducing zwrite_pkt_pool. Libtpa only allocates mbufs from this pool for one purpose: attaching them to external bufs. Therefore, we don’t have to reset them while freeing them. They will get reset automatically every time we attach them to new external bufs. Therefore, it’s more lightweight.

Zero Copy Read

It’s a bit tricky to implement zero copy read, as it’s the DPDK but not the application to prepare the receive buffer (the mbuf). Therefore, to get the zero copy semantics, we have to pass the mbuf to the application. Like what we have to deal with for zero copy write, the rte_mbuf has to be freed somewhere and somewhen. The callback iov_read_done is the answer: the user has to invoke it when it no longer needs the corresponding iov.

Below is the key code snippet of zero copy read implementation:

static void iov_buf_free(void *addr, void *param)
    struct packet *pkt = param;

    if (--pkt->nr_read_seg == 0) {
        /* ... */

static inline size_t pkt_to_iov_one_seg(struct tpa_iovec *iov,
                                        struct packet *head,
                                        struct packet *pkt)
    iov->iov_base = tcp_payload_addr(pkt);
    iov->iov_phys = tcp_payload_phys_addr(pkt);
    iov->iov_len  = pkt->l5_len;
    iov->iov_read_done = iov_buf_free;
    iov->iov_param     = head;

    /* ... */
    return iov->iov_len;


Judging the complexity of the TCP protocol, we really need something that can give us internal insights when something goes wrong. Tcpdump is a great tool, but we normally use it to debug the issue after it has already happened. Therefore, it relies on that the issue is reproduce-able. Apparently, tcpdump is so heavy that it can not be enabled all the time.

Tracing is the solution after much thought. Tracing implemented in libtpa has two characteristics:

  • it’s filled in binary format only. Therefore, it’s lightweight

  • it’s a ring buffer. Therefore, it will not eat our disk or memory.

Thus, tracing is always enabled in libtpa. The overhead is so small that it can be ignored. As you can see from the redis bencharmk test, tracing brings less than 3% performance penalty. More importantly, we now could know exactly what happens with the tpa st tool when something goes wrong.

Below goes quickly about the tracing implementation. As stated above, a trace is a ring buffer of trace_record:

struct trace_record {
    union {
        struct {
            uint8_t type;
            uint8_t u8;
            uint16_t u16;
            uint32_t u32;

        struct {
            uint64_t _type:8;
            uint64_t u56:56;

#define TYPE_RECORD(_type, ...) record = &trace->records[(trace->off++) & trace->mask]; \
                                record->type = _type;                                   \
#define DATA_RECORD(...)        record = &trace->records[(trace->off++) & trace->mask]; \
                                record->type = TT_data;                                 \

The trace record is with fixed size: 8 bytes. The first byte is type. We then just have the space for one 8-bit, one 16-bit and one 32-bit payload. Note that the 56-bit is used only for tracing the timestamp payload so far.

#define R8(x)                   (record->u8 = x)
#define R16(x)                  (record->u16 = x)
#define R32(x)                  (record->u32 = x)
#define R56(x)                  (record->u56 = x)

Below comes one specific trace declaration, trace_tcp_rcv_pkt:

DECLARE_TRACE(tcp_rcv_pkt, 2,
        uint32_t seq _AD_ uint32_t ack  _AD_  uint16_t wnd _AD_
        uint16_t len _AD_ uint8_t flags _AD_  uint8_t nr_seg

        TYPE_RECORD(TT_tcp_rcv_pkt, R32(seq); R16(wnd); R8(flags));
        DATA_RECORD(R32(ack); R16(len); R8(nr_seg));

        trace_printf("tcp_rcv: seq=%u len=%u nr_seg=%u wnd=%hu .-rcv_nxt=%+d | ack=%u .-snd_una=%+d .-snd_nxt=%+d | %s\n",
                     rcv_seq(seq), len, nr_seg, wnd, (int)(seq - ctx->rcv_nxt),
                     snd_seq(ack), (int)(ack - ctx->snd_una), (int)(ack - ctx->snd_nxt),

As you can see, libtpa only uses 2 records (16 bytes) for tracing a received packet.

Since it’s a ring buffer, the data will get overwritten eventually. Assume there was a networking issue and got recovered later, then the trace will get overwritten with new data transferred and received. If you dump the live sock trace, you will find everything normal. Therefore, it doesn’t really help. libtpa automatically archives the trace when it gets recovered from something abnormal (such as out of order receive, retransmission, etc). In another word, the scene is captured, you then can examine it by the tpa st tool any time you want (as far as it is not flushed). For example,

# tpa st | grep rto | head
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace194   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.070575  ... rto-107.447ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace193   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.068062  ... rto-214.160ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace192   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.065471  ... rto-214.160ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace191   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.062957  ... rto-234.977ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace190   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.060359  ... rto-214.160ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace189   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.057774  ... rto-214.160ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace188   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.055150  ... rto-184.099ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace187   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.052640  ... rto-178.073ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace186   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.050103  ... rto-181.962ms
/var/log/tpa/client/socktrace185   ...  2023-12-04.16:55:00.047533  ... rto-179.440ms

Mem File

Libtpa makes use of memory files a lot, including the tracing file mentioned above. Since the data is produced in one process (the libtpa instance) and parsed in another process (the tpa st tool), the data format has to be the same. Otherwise, the parser simply won’t work. It’s kind of like the ABI issue. And it’s really hard to maintain the data format unchanged for a project under active development.

Libtpa solves this issue by embedding the parser into the mem file:

/* the disk layout */
struct mem_file_hdr {
    uint64_t magic;
    uint64_t size;
    uint64_t data_offset;
    uint64_t parser_offset;
    char name[MEM_FILE_NAME_LEN];
} __attribute__((__aligned__(64)));

Therefore, a mem file will always be parse-able. Taking the sock trace file as example, the trace file will always print something meaningful as far as we have it.


The neigh implementation in libtpa is a bit special. Libtpa injects the neigh solicitation in the worker thread by DPDK, while it receives and handles the response in the ctrl thread by the AF_PACKET socket.

It works well, since, by the current design, libtpa is not a standalone TCP/IP stack. We need to handle neigh response in the worker thread as well if you want to make libtpa be a standalone TCP/IP stack.


Userspace stack is special compared with the kernel stack. If the userspace stack process quits (either normally, or abnormally, say crash), no one will do the cleanup job for those established socks. Those socks may keep as the established state forever as far as the remote end doesn’t send us anything. Note that the stack is not even aware of those connections, therefore, the kernel stack would also do nothing.

Therefore, libtpa introduces a daemon process for each instance. The daemon basically enters to sleep mode when it starts. It will get woken up when the corresponding instance is dead (either normally or abnormally). It then will do the missing cleanup work: terminating active socks.

The terminating process is also kind of tricky, as it simply forges a TCP RST packet and sends it out by, again, the AF_PACKET socket.


Like what the libtpad section described, userspace stack lacks some support to do sock cleanup. Besides the daemon process, there is actually one more elegant solution: the TCP keepalive feature. It could detect half open connections and then close them as early as possible (well, with a few minutes delay).

Thus, keepalive is enabled by default in libtpa. You should not disable it unless you know what you are doing.


As stated in the requirements section, libtpa leverages the flow bifurcation to steer the packets of interest to itself. It’s the rte_flow interface doing the job under the hood.

More specifically, it’s the QUEUE action to steer specific packets to a specific worker, therefore, the shared-nothing model.

Matrix Shell

A test tool often comes with many arguments. Taking tperf as an example, it has arguments -t test, -m message_size, -n nr_thread, etc. Each argument may have many options. For example, test could be read, write, rw, etc. message_size could be 1, 4KB, 16KB, etc. If we treat that as a argument matrix, we then can test a lot of different combinations:

# cat
  test: [read, write, rw]
  message_size: [1, 4KB, 16KB]
  nr_thread: [1, 4]

echo "testing with params: nr_thread=$nr_thread test=$test message_size=$message_size"

The above would then split to 3 * 3 * 2 = 18 test cases:

ms-list --short | nl
     1  test/test=read__message_size=1__nr_thread=1
     2  test/test=read__message_size=1__nr_thread=4
     3  test/test=read__message_size=4KB__nr_thread=1
     4  test/test=read__message_size=4KB__nr_thread=4
     5  test/test=read__message_size=16KB__nr_thread=1
     6  test/test=read__message_size=16KB__nr_thread=4
     7  test/test=write__message_size=1__nr_thread=1
     8  test/test=write__message_size=1__nr_thread=4
     9  test/test=write__message_size=4KB__nr_thread=1
    10  test/test=write__message_size=4KB__nr_thread=4
    11  test/test=write__message_size=16KB__nr_thread=1
    12  test/test=write__message_size=16KB__nr_thread=4
    13  test/test=rw__message_size=1__nr_thread=1
    14  test/test=rw__message_size=1__nr_thread=4
    15  test/test=rw__message_size=4KB__nr_thread=1
    16  test/test=rw__message_size=4KB__nr_thread=4
    17  test/test=rw__message_size=16KB__nr_thread=1
    18  test/test=rw__message_size=16KB__nr_thread=4