End-to-end Deep Learning Example¶
This section will introduce an end-to-end example of using Matx in a multimodal training task. It will only focus on the data preprocessing part for images and texts, and the multimodal model itself is not covered. To get the source, please visit here.
1. Text Modal Preprocessing¶
We’ll first use Matx to implement a Bert style tokenizer.
1.1 Helper Functions¶
In order to make the code clean, we’ll define some helper functions (ops) below
Text Cleaner
class TextCleaner:
"""TextCleaner impl by matx."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.white_regex: matx.Regex = matx.Regex(r"[ \t\n\r\p{Zs}]")
self.control_regex: matx.Regex = matx.Regex(
self.space: bytes = " ".encode()
self.empty: bytes = "".encode()
def __call__(self, text: bytes) -> bytes:
t = self.white_regex.replace(text, self.space)
return self.control_regex.replace(t, self.empty)
Case Normalizer for lowercase the word is necessary
class CaseNormalizer:
def __init__(self, do_lowercase: bool = False, unicode_norm: str = '') -> None:
self.do_lowercase: bool = do_lowercase
def __call__(self, text: bytes) -> bytes:
if self.do_lowercase:
return text.lower()
return text
Processing punctuations
class PunctuationPadding:
"""Pad a space around the punctuation."""
def __init__(self):
self.regex_pattern: matx.Regex = matx.Regex(
self.replace_pattern: bytes = r" ${1} ".encode()
def __call__(self, text: bytes) -> bytes:
return self.regex_pattern.replace(text, self.replace_pattern)
1.2 Matx based BertTokenizer¶
With the helper functions ready, we can then define the Bert Tokenizer
import matx
from matx.text import WordPieceTokenizer
class MatxBertTokenizer:
def __init__(self,
vocab_path: str,
lower_case: bool = False,
max_tokens_per_input: int = 256,
unk_token: str = '[UNK]'
) -> None:
matx style BertTokenzier。
vocab_path: vocabulary path for tokenizer
lower_case: convert to lowercase or not
max_tokens_per_input: token length limit
unk_token: the symbol for unknown tokens
self.cleaner: TextCleaner = TextCleaner()
self.normalizer: CaseNormalizer = CaseNormalizer(True)
self.punc_padding: PunctuationPadding = PunctuationPadding()
self.max_tokens_per_input: int = max_tokens_per_input
self.world_piece: Any = WordPieceTokenizer(vocab_path=vocab_path,
self.cls_id: int = self.world_piece.tokenize(['[CLS]'])[0]
self.sep_id: int = self.world_piece.tokenize(['[SEP]'])[0]
self.pad_id: int = self.world_piece.tokenize(['[PAD]'])[0]
def __call__(self, texts: List[bytes]) -> Dict[str, matx.NDArray]:
batch_input_ids: List = []
batch_input_mask: List = []
batch_segment_ids: List = []
for text in texts:
text = self.cleaner(text)
text = self.normalizer(text)
text = self.punc_padding(text)
terms: List = text.split()
tokens: List[int] = self.world_piece.tokenize(terms)
# start to create bert style input
len_tre: int = self.max_tokens_per_input - 2
input_ids: List = [self.cls_id] + tokens[:len_tre] + [self.sep_id]
input_mask: List = [1] * len(input_ids) + [0] * (self.max_tokens_per_input - len(input_ids))
input_ids = input_ids + [self.pad_id] * (self.max_tokens_per_input - len(input_ids))
segment_ids = [0] * self.max_tokens_per_input
res: Dict = {}
res["input_ids"] = matx.NDArray(batch_input_ids, [], "int64")
res["input_mask"] = matx.NDArray(batch_input_mask, [], "int64")
res["segment_ids"] = matx.NDArray(batch_segment_ids, [], "int64")
return res
2. Vision Modal Preprocessing¶
The code snippet below implements the Resnet Vision preprocessing with Matx, and the related vision transforms are Decode, RandomResizedCrop, CenterCrop, RandomHorizontalFlip, Normalize, etc.
from typing import List, Dict, Any
import matx
from matx.vision.tv_transforms import Decode, RandomHorizontalFlip, \
RandomResizedCrop, CenterCrop, Normalize, Stack, Transpose, Compose
class MatxImagenetVisionProcessor:
def __init__(self, device_id: int = -1, is_train: bool = True) -> None:
self.is_train: bool = is_train
vision_ops: List = []
if is_train: # image transform for training
vision_ops = [
matx.script(RandomResizedCrop)(size=[224, 224],scale=(0.08,1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.33)),
matx.script(Normalize)(mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53],
std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375]),
else: # image transform for evaluate
vision_ops = [
matx.script(CenterCrop)(size=[224, 224]),
matx.script(Normalize)(mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53],
std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375]),
self.vision_op: Any = matx.script(Compose)(device_id, vision_ops)
def __call__(self, images: List[bytes]) -> matx.NDArray:
return self.vision_op(images)
3. Data Transform Pipeline¶
Finally, we combine the text and vision transform logic, and create a transform pipeline.
class MultiModalPipeline:
def __init__(self,
vocab_path: str,
lower_case: bool = False,
max_tokens_per_input: int = 256,
unk_token: str = '[UNK]',
vision_device_id: int = -1,
is_train: bool = True):
self.text_processor: Any = MatxBertTokenizer(
vocab_path, lower_case, max_tokens_per_input, unk_token
self.vision_processor: Any = MatxImagenetVisionProcessor(
vision_device_id, is_train
# the input is a batch of data
# assume each data is like {"text": "some text", "image": b"some image"}
# the output would be collated, organize the result in any format as you want
# the code below would output the processed data like
# {"images": batched_image, "input_ids": batched_input_id, "input_mask": batched_input_mask}
def __call__(self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, matx.NDArray]:
texts: List[str] = [item["text"] for item in data]
images: List[bytes] = [item["image"] for item in data]
processed_texts: Dict[str, matx.NDArray] = self.text_processor(texts)
processed_images: matx.NDArray = self.vision_processor(images)
res: Dict[str, matx.NDArray] = {}
for k in processed_texts:
res[k] = processed_texts[k]
res["images"] = processed_images
return res
4. PyTorch Dataloader Demo¶
With the data transform pipeline, we can then integrate it into the data loader and further provide data for the model training process. There is nothing special in this part if you are familiar with the PyTorch DataLoader. We provide a demo below for reference, which uses fake data as the data source, and you could just replace it with your own data.
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
class DemoDataset:
def __init__(self, is_train=True):
# If want to run the code, please download the demo image and vocabulary file
# from github, or just replace them with your own ones
f = open("demo.jpeg","rb")
img = f.read()
text = b"this is a demo"
self.data = {"text": text, "image": img}
self.transform = MultiModalPipeline("vocab.txt", is_train=is_train)
def __len__(self):
return 100 # some fake number
def __getitem__(self, indices):
batch_data = [self.data] * len(indices)
transformed_data = self.transform(batch_data)
res = {}
# convert each matx.NDArray to torch tensor
for k in transformed_data.keys():
res[k] = transformed_data[k].torch()
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
dataset = DemoDataset()
loader = DataLoader(dataset)
for data in loader: