Quick Start

This section provides an example to walk through the basic usage of Matx. The complete code can be found here.

1. Import dependencies

from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Any, AnyStr
import matx

Note that we import various types from Python typing module as Matx enforces type annotations.

2. Constructing Op

An operation (Op) can be a class method or a function.

class Text2Ids:
    def __init__(self, texts: List[str]) -> None:
        self.table: Dict[str, int] = {}
        for i in range(len(texts)):
            self.table[texts[i]] = i

    def lookup(self, words: List[str]) -> List[int]:
        return [self.table.get(word, -1) for word in words]
op = Text2Ids(["hello", "world"])
examples = "hello world unknown".split()
ret = op.lookup(examples)
# should print out [0, 1, -1]

3. Script

cpp_text2id = matx.script(Text2Ids)(["hello", "world"])
ret = cpp_text2id.lookup(examples)
# should print out [0, 1, -1]

4. Trace

def wrapper(inputs):
    return cpp_text2id.lookup(inputs)

# trace and save
traced = matx.trace(wrapper, examples)

# load and run
# for matx.load, the first argument is the stored trace path
# the second argument indicates the device for further running the code
# -1 means cpu, if for gpu, just pass in the device id
loaded = matx.load("demo_text2id", -1)
# we call 'run' interface here to actually run the traced op
# note that the argument is a dict, where the key is the arg name of the traced function
# and the value is the actual input data
ret = loaded.run({"inputs": examples})
# should print out [0, 1, -1]

5. C++ deployment

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <matxscript/pipeline/tx_session.h>

using namespace ::matxscript::runtime;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// test case
std::unordered_map<std::string, RTValue> feed_dict;
feed_dict.emplace("inputs", List{Unicode(U"hello"), Unicode(U"world"), Unicode(U"unknown")});
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTValue>> result;
const char* module_path = argv[1];
const char* module_name = "model.spec.json";
    auto sess = TXSession::Load(module_path, module_name);
    auto result = sess->Run(feed_dict);
    for (auto& r : result) {
    std::cout << "result: " << r.second << std::endl;
return 0;
MX_CFLAGS=$(python3 -c 'import matx; print( " ".join(matx.get_cflags()) ) ' )
MX_LINK_FLAGS=$(python3 -c 'import matx; print( " ".join(matx.get_link_flags()) ) ' )
RUNTIME_PATHS=$(python3 -c 'import matx; print( " ".join(["-Wl,-rpath," + p for p in matx.cpp_extension.library_paths()]) )')
g++ -O2 -fPIC -std=c++14 $MX_CFLAGS $MX_LINK_FLAGS ${RUNTIME_PATHS} text2ids.cc -o text2ids
./text2ids demo_text2id
# should print out
# result: [0, 1, -1]